[141], Johnson gave a congressional speech—Dallek considers it his greatest—in which he said "rarely at any time does an issue lay bare the secret heart of America itself ... rarely are we met with the challenge ... to the values and the purposes and the meaning of our beloved nation. Kennedy replied, "Yes to both those questions. Kennedy gave Johnson control over all presidential appointments involving Texas, and appointed him chairman of the President's Ad Hoc Committee for Science. Reports vary on what happened to the aircraft carrying Johnson during that mission. As a back-up position, in 1965 Johnson turned his focus to hospital insurance for the aged under Social Security. Once in the Senate, Johnson was known among his colleagues for his highly successful "courtships" of older senators, especially Senator Richard Russell, Democrat from Georgia, the leader of the Conservative coalition and arguably the most powerful man in the Senate. 391–396; quotes on pp. Regarding the rest of the world, there were no serious controversies with major countries. In the congressional elections of 1966, the Republicans gained three seats in the Senate and 47 in the House, reinvigorating the conservative coalition and making it more difficult for Johnson to pass any additional Great Society legislation. There were bright spots; in January 1967, Johnson boasted that wages were the highest in history, unemployment was at a 13-year low, and corporate profits and farm incomes were greater than ever; a 4.5 percent jump in consumer prices was worrisome, as was the rise in interest rates. When the front door of the plane closed, Johnson pulled out a cigarette—his first cigarette he had smoked since his heart attack in 1955. O'Daniel received 175,590 votes (30.49 percent) to Johnson's 174,279 (30.26 percent). However, Fortas's nomination was filibustered by senators, and neither nominee was voted upon by the full Senate. To head the new Department of Housing and Urban Development, Johnson appointed Robert C. Weaver, the first African-American cabinet secretary in any U.S. presidential administration. "[247] This was despite the fact that Johnson himself had multiple extramarital affairs. Afterward, his doctors reported that the president had come through the surgery "beautifully as expected";[192] he was able to resume his duties the next day. With the return of a Democratic majority in 1955, Johnson, age 46, became the youngest majority leader in that body’s history. By 1968, more than 500,000 U.S. troops were in Vietnam, and there seemed to be no end in sight. In August 1964, allegations arose from the military that two U.S. destroyers had been attacked by some North Vietnamese torpedo boats in international waters 40 miles (64 km) from the Vietnamese coast in the Gulf of Tonkin; naval communications and reports of the attack were contradictory. [37] President Franklin D. Roosevelt found Johnson to be a welcome ally and conduit for information, particularly about issues concerning internal politics in Texas (Operation Texas) and the machinations of Vice President John Nance Garner and Speaker of the House Sam Rayburn. Critics in the media blasted his administration's handling of the conflict, and anti-war protests were springing up on college campuses and in major cities. Caro, Robert. [133] The convention's Credentials Committee declared that two MFDP delegates in the delegation be seated as observers and agreed to "bar future delegations from states where any citizens are deprived of the right to vote because of their race or color. [56], A 60-cigarette-per-day smoker, Johnson suffered a near-fatal heart attack on July 2, 1955. "Historians and the Many Lyndon Johnsons: A Review Essay", This page was last edited on 7 November 2020, at 14:08. [186], In March, Bundy began to urge the use of ground forces—air operations alone, he counseled, would not stop Hanoi's aggression against the South. Mrs. Fortas expressed disapproval to Johnson personally afterward. He moved in close, his face a scant millimeter from his target, his eyes widening and narrowing, his eyebrows rising and falling. Patricia P. Martin and David A. Weaver. Of his desire to veil the decision, Johnson jested privately, "If you have a mother-in-law with only one eye, and she has it in the center of her forehead, you don't keep her in the living room". Johnson refused to accept a change in plans unless it came directly from John Kennedy. [88] He was sworn in by U.S. District Judge Sarah T. Hughes, a family friend. [139], Johnson began his elected presidential term with similar motives as he had upon succeeding to the office, ready to "carry forward the plans and programs of John Fitzgerald Kennedy. [37], In the 1952 general election, Republicans won a majority in both the House and Senate. Johnson finally sent in federal troops with tanks and machine guns. From 250 acres (100 ha) of land that he was given by an aunt in 1951, he created a 2,700-acre (1,100 ha) working ranch with 400 head of registered Hereford cattle. Initially, no prominent Democratic candidate was prepared to run against a sitting president of the Democratic Party. [227] Due to the size and violence of this event, Johnson attempted no further public speeches in venues outside military bases. Shortly after Johnson's death, his press secretary Tom Johnson telephoned the newsroom at CBS. Johnson was quickly sworn in as President on Air Force One in Dallas on November 22, 1963, just 2 hours and 8 minutes after John F. Kennedy was assassinated, amid suspicions of a conspiracy against the government. © 2020 Biography and the Biography logo are registered trademarks of A&E Television Networks, LLC. [287] Texas created a legal state holiday to be observed on August 27 to mark Johnson's birthday, known as Lyndon Baines Johnson Day.
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